Welcome to
Coffee For Peace!
We’re a community of peacebuilders, business owners, and farmers who are practicing and advocating inclusive development principles in the coffee industry.
Peace is at the center of the work we do.
Coffee For Peace – Our cafes are at the heart of this social enterprise. Whether managed or supplied by Coffee for Peace, drinking our coffee is the best way to experience our coffee and our mission.
Kapeyapaan Coffee Roasting Services. Our centralized roasting and processing area handles all of our coffee production and product distribution.
Malipayon Post Harvest Facility. Located at the base of Mt. Apo, our post-harvest facility is where we purchase, process, and dry our coffee. We also use this facility to train farmers in best practices.
Mobile Coffee Cart. Need baristas at your next event? Our mobile coffee cart is the perfect way to bring our coffee to you. Support our Barista’s growth and development by hiring them for your next event. The mobile cart is rented and run by our baristas.